The paper which quoted a government source says that the planned investment in the lisbon - porto and lisbon - madrid lines will be 70 percent borne by state funds and a loan from the european investment bank 该报纸引用来自政府的消息,里斯本-波尔图和里斯本-马德里铁路计划总投资的70 %将来自政府基金和欧洲投资银行的贷款。
This also involves the agreements between eruopean countries for the creation of a eruopean bank for television production which , on the model of the european investments bank , will handle the finances necessary for production costs 译文:这也需要欧洲国家达成共识,并效仿能解决生产所需资金的欧洲投资银行的模式,来创立一个欧洲节目制作资源库。
These financial organizations has global inter - governmental international financial organizations such as the international monetary fund , international bank for reconstruction and development and its subsidiary bodies , the international development association and the international financial organizations ; a regional financial organizations , such as the asian development bank , the european investment bank 这些金融组织有全球性政府间国际金融组织,如国际货币基金组织、国际复兴与开发银行及其附属机构国际开发协会和国际金融组织;也有区域性金融组织,如亚洲开发银行、欧洲投资银行。
Under such circumstance , the bot project of chengdu no . 6 water plant b ( hereafter called as “ chengdu waterworks bot project ” ) got formal approval in 1997 and becomes the first bot pilot project nominated by national planning committee . the total investment is 106 . 5 million usd with the method by project financing . among all the investments , 70 % are all financed by asian development bank and european investment bank , while the other 30 % comes from 2 shareholders ? french veolia ( changed name from vivendi in 2003 and hereafter called “ vivendi ” as “ veolia ” even before the name change ) holds 60 % and japanese marubeni holds 40 % 成都市自来水六厂b厂bot项目(以下简称“成都水厂bot项目” )正是在这种情形下于1997年作为国家计划委员会批准的bot试点项目,引进国外投资1 . 065亿美金,全部通过项目融资方式筹措,其中总投资的30 %为股东投资,两个发起人向项目公司出资作为项目公司的注册资本,具体金额为法国威望迪(已于2003年更名为威立雅,以下对更名前后的“威望迪”均称为“威立雅” )集团占60 % ,日本丸红株式会社占40 % ;总投资的70 %来自亚洲开发银行和欧洲投资银行的融资。
The nine mdbs are asian development bank , council of europe social development fund , eurofima , european bank for reconstruction and development , european investment bank , inter - american development bank , international bank for reconstruction and development , international finance corporation and nordic investment bank 该间多边发展银行是亚洲开发银行欧洲理事会社会发展基金欧洲铁路车辆融资公司欧洲复兴开发银行欧洲投资银行美洲开发银行国际复兴开发银行国际金融公司及北欧投资银行。